is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”, B.F. Skinner.
No better way to explain what education really is.
, the meaning of education has been limited to school textbooks, memorizing
lessons, taking tests and scoring well. Education has been limited to academic
achievements and ranks. Schools instead of preparing students for the future
and working on their personality development and their holistic growth often limit
their knowledge and development to textbooks and tests. Because of the constant
rat race and assessment of students on the basis of their academic scores, the
potential, talent, passion, self confidence, self belief and happiness of
children is getting lost. Children are made to believe that they are not
capable, intelligent, worthy and good enough as compared to the other kids who
are good at academics and are rank holders. Unfortunately, children are often
assessed only on the basis of numbers i.e. their marks. They are made to
believe that they can’t do anything in life if they can’t score well. This way
the system affects the students’ mental health and discourages them, pushes
them down and restricts their growth and productivity as they are conditioned
to believe that they aren’t good enough and so, they lose confidence in
themselves and ultimately stop making efforts.
Learning is working towards bringing the meaning of education to life and
giving a comfortable and safe space for
children to grow, gain confidence, love themselves, become aware of their
skills, capabilities and potential and develop
their personalities . At In-Fluent, it is believed that every child
deserves a bright and successful life. To make this possible, In-Fluent has
started online communication classes that bring about a positive change in
their personality too. Excelling the skill of communication not only makes the
child confident and a good speaker but it also
makes them believe in themselves and makes them independent enough to
take charge of their own growth. These personalitydevelopment classes for kids make them appreciate and encourage themselves
as well as others since the In-Fluent classes have daily appreciation and
encouragement rituals. This boosts their inner as well as external confidence
and fills their hearts with joy. These classes enable the students to be able
to make their own choices and take decisions as the teachers give them the space
to do so.
classes are about making the students enjoy learning and the process of
learning. So, it helps students get stress free and not feel under pressure.
There is no hurry to complete the syllabus or give exams on the basis of which
you will be judged as a bright or a dull student but instead they are made to
believe that every one of them has the potential to be an excellent
communicator with a good personalities. These classes help in personality development for school students
by making them aware that they have a life outside school, textbooks and exams
and they have the potential to become something and do great things in life.
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